
Showing posts from October, 2022

“But he loves me…”

“But he loves me…” This is never a good thing to hear. The “he loves me” part is all well and good but never when prefaced with “but.” Here’s what I mean. “He bought me flowers. He loves me.” Oh great! I’m happy for you. You see how there’s no reason to add the “but”? It wouldn’t make any sense. “He bought me flowers. But he loves me.” Say huh? Now try out this sentence. “He won’t help out around the apartment. But he loves me.” Huh, interesting. Or how about this one? “He cheated on me with my best friend. But he loves me.” Well he really has a funny way of showing it. When my wife and I were newlyweds we were friends with a very loud woman named Peggy. Peggy had an opinion about everything, and we certainly didn’t always agree with her, but one day she said something that I found to be profoundly true. “Sex,” Peggy told us, “begins in the kitchen.” And no, Peggy wasn’t talking about initiating foreplay on the stovetop. She meant that if you want your partner to desire you, then do th