Barriers to Falling and Remaining in Love, Kernberg (1974)
Falling and remaining in love requires the achievement of two developmental stages. (1) Whole Object Relations. This is the integration of internal object relations that leads to an integrated view of self and others. (2) Full Genital Enjoyment. This involves overcoming oedipal conflicts and other unconscious prohibitions against sex. There are four configurations along the continuum of falling in love. (1) Severe Narcissism. These individuals are almost entirely incapable of establishing sexual and tender relationships with others. They might become sexually excited by a body or by a person considered attractive by others. (2) Moderate Narcissism. These individuals have never fallen in love but can be sexually promiscuous. When they feel sexually interested in someone, they unconsciously feel envy and greed and want to take possession of the other. Although they lust after the object before sex, their enthusiasm and interest dies immediately afterward; since they have projected thei